
Billy Cart Architecture offers a
customized service working with, and guiding you through, all stages if the construction process.

+    Personalised service to each and every client

+    Attention to detail

+    Respect for your budget

+    Thorough knowledge and experience of Heritage, Town Planning and Building  Permit processes and requirements

+     Co-ordination of all other project consultants

+     Communication, Communication, Communication

+     Love and fascination with the use of natural materials such as timber and stone

+     Significant experience with many of Melbourne’s best residential builders

+     Project experience in Urban, Rural and Coastal Environments

+      A genuine respect that this is ‘your home not mine’.

Why should you use Billy Cart Architecture? More than anything else, I can offer a very extensive knowledge of the Residential Construction world coupled together with a strong desire to work closely with my clients. I provide a solid guarantee that you will be dealing directly with myself and not hand-balled to a junior as soon as the project commences. I have a very firm belief that the success of any project hinges on clear and frank communication between all parties.


Why Billy Cart? “Billy Cart” because it invokes images of my childhood designing and building Billy Carts out of whatever materials we should scrounge.  Every kids had one and every kid’s Billy Cart was different. Some built for style, some for accessories and some fro raw speed. 

My personal favorite was the old timber fruit box with the large wheels pilfered off a pram. 

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